Hope in the Valley

Go Your Way

I am up at 4:45am this morning on the first day of the new year.  It’s not unusual that I am up this early, or even earlier.  For me, sleep has been elusive since September 2022 when my sweet Ilona died. In years past, waking up to a new year brought so many hopes and...

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Recently, the Cleveland Browns NFL football team was playing on a Thursday night when there suddenly arose a whiteout snow storm in the middle of the game.  It was snowing so heavily that the field crew had to regularly run onto the field to shovel and expose the...

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Grief Work

Grief work. I will never forget sitting down with our counselor for our first session just a few weeks after Ilona died and he said, “If you are willing to go through the work of grief…” To be honest, I don’t really remember what he said after that.  It had something...

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