
Below you will find links to books, articles, and other resources that deal with grief and loss.

Books on Grief and Loss

Every Moment Holy, Volume 2: Death, Grief, & Hope

Douglas McKelvey
In Leonard and Amy’s opinion, this book should be in every home. This book gives insightful prayers to work through after the immediate death of a loved one including the morning of the funeral, along with insightful prayers and litergies to meditate on as one grieves or walks alongside one who is grieving.

Lament for a Son

Nicholas Wolterstorff
This book is a must-read. Following the death of his son in a mountain climbing accident, Nicholas puts words to the conflicting thoughts and feelings he has towards God. He has an uncanny ability to articulate his grief and pain that will touch your heart.

A Grief Observed

C.S. Lewis
An honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. Written after his wife’s tragic death as a way of surviving the “mad midnight moments,” A Grief Observed is an unflinchingly truthful account of how loss can lead even a stalwart believer to lose all sense of meaning in the universe, and how he can gradually regain his bearings.

Dark Clouds and Deep Mercy

Mark Vroegop
This book seeks to restore the lost art of lament in order to help readers discover the power of honest wrestling with the questions that come with grief and suffering.

Until Then: Stories of Loss and Hope

Dr. Gary & Laura House
Child loss is difficult to explain if you haven’t been there, as it is with most things in life. The parents who have shared their stories in Until Then: Stories of Loss and Hope have experienced just that—the grief of losing a child. Within each chapter, you will find the story of a child who is deeply loved and missed beyond measure. You will get a glimpse of the shock and devastation that became a reality for each parent, but in reading their stories, you will also observe how God has held them through each painful step. His loving-kindness and faithfulness to them are clearly seen, even in the midst of their sorrow.

Helping Your Family Grieve

Darby Strickland
Grief, is overwhelming, especially for children, who do not naturally know how to respond to loss. They need help to express the sadness, fear and anger that comes after encountering death. Thankfully, God has given us a pathway through grief. He promises to lead your family up and out of the dark valley of grief. Darby Strickland, an experienced family counselor, guides you and your children through the sadness, disorientation and struggles of grief. 

Grieving With Hope

Randy Alcorn
Practical and straightforward, yet warm and compassionate, Grieving with Hope clarifies the popular misconception that people move through stages of grief. This will be an encouragement to many, as grieving people often think something is wrong with them when their grief doesn’t proceed neatly through stages. The reality is that grieving people jump back and forth between different emotions, sometimes wrestling with multiple emotions at once.

Children’s Books

Something Sad Happened

Darby Strickland
Darby A. Strickland uses a children’s story to help parents and caregivers walk with children through the complexities of grief and the questions that come with a loss. A special section at the end of the book gives parents tips for helping their children express their sorrow to God and offers ideas for remembering a loved one.

The Moon is Always Round

Jonathan Gibson
Even young children want answers to the hard questions about God, the Bible, Jesus Christ and suffering. In The Moon Is Always Round, seminary professor and author Jonathan Gibson uses the vivid imagery of the moon to explain to children how God’s goodness is always present, even when it might appear to be obscured by upsetting or difficult circumstances.

Voyage to the Star Kingdom

Anne Riley
Inspired by a real-life family, Voyage to the Star Kingdom is a vivid reminder that our stories don’t end with death, and that the King is indeed making all things new.


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What Grieving People Wish You Knew

Nancy Guthrie
A helpful discussion on how to interact with those who have recently been affected by loss.

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What Exactly is Grief Work?

Melanie DeSimone
Melanie discusses the mental, physical, psychological, emotional and relational work a grieving heart must do in order to process and learn to carry sorrow and missing.

Hope for the Brokenhearted

Leonard & Amy Bailey
Leonard and Amy Bailey share the story of their daughter, Ilona, and of her homegoing, just two years ago. They share with honesty and transparency about their grief journey, and offer insights learned through suffering.

Comfort for the Mourning

Pastor Leonard Bailey
Listen to this three-part sermon series from Pastor Leonard Bailey on comfort for those who are mourning.

Grief Support

Grief Share

For those who need help dealing with grief, grief loss and support groups are here for you.

Our Hearts Are Home

Encouragement and hope for bereaved parents.

Advent Readings

Pastor Leonard Bailey
A Darker Advent than Desired: When Advent seems to bring as much heartache as joy…maybe more.

Better Left Unsaid: Blog

Pastor Leonard Bailey
Ramblings from a pastor and bereaved father.